
Receiving gratitude for the music lessons I’ve provided to my students of all ages brings me immense happiness and a profound sense of fulfillment. It’s a heartwarming feeling to know that I’ve played a part in nurturing their passion for music and helping them grow as musicians.

Witnessing their progress, seeing their eyes light up when they master a new technique or piece, and hearing the notes of a well-played melody fill the room is truly rewarding. The knowledge that I’ve imparted something meaningful, a skill that can bring them joy and self-expression throughout their lives, fills me with a deep sense of pride and contentment.

It’s a reminder that teaching music is not just about notes and scales but about fostering a lifelong love for this art form, and the gratitude of my students is a testament to that shared journey of musical discovery and growth.

Thank you so much for all you do for Connor. He loves his lessons with you!

All the best,


Margaret & Connor

I don’t think there are words to thank you properly, but I’ll do my best. The last 5 years with you have been awesome. The passion you have for music is out-of-this-world, and the fact that you are able to share it with me and all your students is even more amazing. Honestly, I can’t imagine my life without being able to play guitar. You have helped me learn and progress far faster and so much more than I could have imagined. I would not have ever thought that that kid playing “Smoke On The Water” in the corner room would ever get so far, and all of it thanks to you. I cannot thank you enough. Wishing you good vibes and tuned guitar strings in Virginia
Jude A.

First and foremost, there are no better guitar teachers at RMC. It’s a huge hole you’re leaving. Not just because of your wealth of knowledge, but you have an insane amount of patience with your students. You’re a unique musician having stayed at RMC as long as you have, and we are so lucky that you were able to guide Jude for the last 4+ years.
Herb A.

Thank you so much for being an amazing mentor to Jake. He has learned so much from you & always comes home from his lesson so inspired! Best to you in Virginia. You will be so greatly missed in NJ!
With so much gratitude,
The Kovacs Family

Thanks so much for the years of guitar lessons. I learned a lot from you and I know that I will use that knowledge for the rest of my life. Let’s keep in touch!
Bryan B.

Peter was so excited today after his lesson. He’s been playing since we got home. You are an amazing teacher. Thank you for keeping him interested not only in guitar but music as a whole. Peter is playing constantly!! Which is a good thing. You are a great teacher. Thank you. Very fortunate.
Anne C.

Thank you so much. I know I’m his mom but he’s a pretty special kid. Having you in particular to guide him and help him grow his creative side has been a blessing. Such a prefect mentor for a kid like him during some pretty important developmental years. I’m so grateful for it. I know he is too. In four years he never once just didn’t want to go. It’s been very meaningful for him I know.
Bonnie G.

You have done an amazing job being a mentor and teacher to our son. How wonderful you have been for Reilly. Thank you for everything! Just wanted to send this to you because I want to say thank you for the impact that you had on Reilly’s life. If you remember, he used to not be able to play while standing… today he is doing solos on top of amps.
Josh C.

As a parent, this gives me so much joy. My kids are loving lessons with you and enjoying practicing/playing. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Parent of Two

I wanted to take a moment to share some important feedback with you regarding last night’s rehearsal of Under Pressure. Asher was ELATED during and after running the song with you. He shared with me how great he felt making music with the band and that he had a rush from the experience. THAT is what it’s all about. As a parent, it gives me so much joy and pleasure knowing that my kids connect with music and enjoy it so personally. I want to thank you for sharing your love of music, your talent and evident interest in helping my kids explore and progress in their studies – while keeping it chill.
Asher continues to progress, build confidence and enjoy playing. Thanks for helping him continue to develop!!
Jonathan G.

Thank you for your time and patience teaching Dylan and Brett the bass and guitar. The boys have enjoyed the lessons and gained some self confidence as well. They have enjoyed your easy going nature and your enthusiasm for music and guitar.

Dylan and Brett's Mom